Welcome to Your Modern Retreat! This 2022-built single-wide mobile home offers contemporary comfort with stylish updates throughout. Featuring 2 spacious bedrooms and 1 well-appointed bathroom, this home has an open-concept living area, sleek flooring, and modern finishes. The bright kitchen comes with updated appliances, ample cabinet space, and stylish countertops, perfect for cooking and entertaining. Enjoy the convenience of energy-efficient features and low-maintenance living. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or looking to downsize, this move-in-ready home is a fantastic opportunity. Don’t miss out...schedule your showing today!
Taxes: $698
Home Assoc: No
Condo Assoc: No
Garage: N
Basement: N
Pool: No Pool
School Dist: Red Clay Consolidated
90% Forced Air, Propane - Leased, Central A/C, Electric, Hot Water - Electric, Public Water, Public Sewer
Other, Paved Parking
Modular/Manufactured Exterior, Other
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The schools on this list are selected by their proximity of up to 5 miles to the property address.
Proximity does not guarantee enrollment eligibility. Please contact the school directly for more information on enrollment requirements.
* If there are more than 5 schools of any type within a close proximity, click on the button to see additional schools of that type near the search address.
Public Elementary (29 schools)
Public Middle (13 schools)
Public High (13 schools)
Private (19 schools)
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This report is a detailed community overview for Wilmington (19808), Delaware.
Community Quick Facts
- Average travel time to work for people in this community: 25
- Average salary of people in this community: $58,352
Community Summary
- Population Density (ppl / mile): 2,764
- Household Size (ppl): 2.50
- Households w/ Children: 52%
Housing Inventory
- Owned: 11,629 (73.0%)
- Rented: 3,523 (22.1%)
- Vacant: 784 (4.9%)
- Total: 15,936
Population Demographics
The population of the community broken down by age group. The numbers at the top of each bar indicate the number of people in the age bracket below.
Total: 38,657
Households: 15,152
Median Age: 43.60
Climate and Weather
The Temperature chart displays average high and low values for January and July, and is designed to provide an indication of both seasonal and daily temperature variability. The Weather Risk Index indicates the calculated risk of each type of weather event occurring in the future. This risk is based on historical localized storm events and weather patterns. The national average for each type of weather event equals a score of 100, so a score of 200 would represent twice the risk as the national average, and a score of 50 would represent half the risk of the national average.
Highest Level of Education Attained
- Less than 9th Grade: 3.0%
- Some High School: 4.2%
- High School Graduate: 30.7%
- Some College: 17.2%
- Associate Degree: 7.6%
- Bachelor's Degree: 22.2%
- Graduate Degree: 15.1%
Income by dollar range
Median Income: $78,546
Fair Market Rents
The Fair Market Rents show average gross rent estimates based on figures provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
- Studio: $1,083
- One Bedroom: $986
- Two Bedroom: $1,154
- Three Bedroom: $1,669
- Four Bedroom: $1,766
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